Exploring ChatGPT and GPT-5 OpenAI's Next Big Leap
  • By Shiva
  • Last updated: June 22, 2024

Exploring ChatGPT and GPT-5: OpenAI’s Next Big Leap

In recent years, the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has been nothing short of revolutionary, often described as “changing with each passing day.” A significant milestone in this journey is the emergence of ChatGPT, which has transformed perceptions of AI from a flashy gimmick to a practical, everyday tool that is highly integrated into our lives.

Breaking Old Perceptions of AI

Previously, many believed AI was either impractical or confined to specialized fields requiring supercomputer support, such as Google’s AlphaGo. These advanced systems seemed distant from the daily lives of ordinary people. However, the arrival of ChatGPT has shattered these misconceptions. Its current intelligence now rivals that of a high school student, and it has given rise to various applications in speech and image recognition, as well as content generation. These applications are now common in everyday use, making AI an indispensable part of modern living.


ChatGPT and GPT-5 OpenAI


The Next Generation: GPT-5

OpenAI’s Chief Technology Officer, Mira Murati, recently shed light on the future of ChatGPT in an interview with Dartmouth Engineering, which was shared on X (formerly Twitter). She described the progression from GPT-3, which had the intelligence of a toddler, to GPT-4, which is comparable to a smart high schooler. Looking ahead, Murati envisions GPT-5 reaching the intelligence level of a PhD student in specific fields.

If you examine the trajectory of GPT’s development, GPT-3 is roughly equivalent to the intelligence level of a toddler, GPT-4 to a smart high school student, and in the next few years, we will strive to make GPT-5 reach PhD-level intelligence in certain tasks,” Murati explained. This significant leap mirrors the development from a high school student to a university graduate in terms of cognitive capabilities.

Timeline and Expectations

The release of GPT-5 is anticipated to be around the end of 2025 or early 2026. Despite earlier rumors suggesting a 2023 launch, Murati confirmed that the development will take another year and a half. This timeline reflects the substantial advancements expected in AI capabilities, indicating a major step forward in the evolution of artificial intelligence.

Industry Perspectives

Various industry leaders have also weighed in on the future of AI. Microsoft’s Chief Technology Officer, Kevin Scott, predicts that future AI systems will possess the capability to pass doctoral exams, thanks to enhanced memory and reasoning abilities. “The next generation of artificial intelligence will be capable of passing PhD exams due to more powerful memory and reasoning capabilities,” Scott stated.

Elon Musk, known for his bold predictions, has a more aggressive forecast. He suggests that AI could surpass human intelligence by 2029. “Artificial intelligence might be smarter than any real human by next year,” Musk stated, “and by 2029, AI could be smarter than all humans.” Such predictions highlight the transformative potential of AI technologies in the near future.

Implications for Jobs and Society

Murati acknowledges that AI’s rapid advancement will inevitably impact the job market. She predicts that some creative jobs may disappear, but emphasizes the need to understand and prepare for these changes. “Some creative jobs maybe will go away, but maybe they shouldn’t have been there in the first place,” she remarked candidly. This shift underscores the broader economic impact of AI, where certain roles may be rendered obsolete, while new opportunities are created in other areas.

The truth is that we don’t really understand the impact that AI is going to have on jobs. A lot of jobs will change, some jobs will be lost, and some jobs will be gained,” Murati noted. This uncertainty calls for proactive measures to study and mitigate the effects of AI on the workforce, ensuring that society can adapt to these changes effectively.

The Role of Higher Education and Ethical Considerations

Murati also highlights the potential for AI to revolutionize education by providing high-quality, accessible, and ideally free education worldwide. She envisions AI offering customized education and one-on-one tutoring, making high-quality education accessible to everyone, regardless of geographic or economic barriers. “We have an opportunity to build super high-quality education, very accessible, and ideally free for anyone in the world,” she stated.

In terms of research and development, Murati emphasizes the importance of integrating safety and ethical considerations into AI development. “In terms of research and development, they actually go hand in hand. It’s much easier to direct a smarter system by telling it, ‘Okay, just don’t do these things,’” she explained. This approach underscores the necessity of collaboration with governments, civil society, and other stakeholders to ensure responsible AI deployment.

OpenAI’s Winning Formula

OpenAI’s success with models like ChatGPT and DALL-E can be attributed to their winning formula of combining data, computing power, and deep learning. Murati discusses her journey from Dartmouth to Tesla, and then to OpenAI, underscoring the rapid evolution of AI. She highlights how AI models have been built on decades of research, leveraging neural networks, vast amounts of data, and significant computational power to achieve groundbreaking results. “We found out that this formula actually works really well—data, compute, and deep learning—and you can put different types of data, you can increase the amount of compute, and then the performance of these AI systems gets better and better,” she elaborated.

Government Access and Ethical Deployment

To ensure the safe and ethical deployment of AI, OpenAI provides governments with access to their models first. This practice allows for the establishment of safety protocols and ethical guidelines before widespread public use. “In terms of research and development, they actually go hand in hand. It’s much easier to direct a smarter system by telling it, ‘Okay, just don’t do these things,’” Murati emphasized. This collaboration aims to address potential risks and ensure that AI development aligns with societal values and ethical standards.


The development of ChatGPT and its future iterations, such as GPT-5, signifies a monumental shift in AI technology. From altering job landscapes to enhancing educational access, AI is poised to become a cornerstone of modern life. As these technologies evolve, continuous dialogue and ethical considerations will be crucial in harnessing their full potential for the benefit of society. The journey from GPT-3 to GPT-5 represents not just technological advancement but a broader transformation in how we interact with and benefit from artificial intelligence.